Image of Matthew Abaddon
Person Type
Supporting Characters
Primary Actor
Lance Reddick IMDB logo


Matthew Abaddon was a mysterious agent of Charles Widmore whose job was to get people to "where they needed to be." Matthew Abaddon was a mysterious agent of Charles Widmore whose job was to get people to "where they needed to be." Chronologically, he was first seen suggesting to John Locke that he take a walkabout in order to find his "purpose in life", an event that ultimately led Locke to the Island aboard Oceanic Flight 815. With Naomi Dorrit, Abaddon also recruited the science team—Daniel Faraday, Miles Straume, Charlotte Lewis and pilot Frank Lapidus—to go to the Island on a mission. Sometime after the rescue of the Oceanic Six, Abaddon visited Hurley at the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute, suspiciously asking if "they" were still alive. Sometime later, he was assassinated by Benjamin Linus while assisting Locke once again.